Tuesday, August 25, 2009

first day of school...first day of school...!

zach wasn't quite as excited as little nemo was to go to school. although, he was pretty pumped about getting to use his new spiderman lunchbox. in fact, that seemed to be the only thing that brought a big smile to his face whenever we discussed school.

it's been hard to read if he has been anxious or excited about starting kindergarten. from what i can tell, it hasn't seemed to phase him much. he's pretty good about just going with the flow of things... and i think he's just taking every new adventure in stride.

even though he went to bed early last night, i couldn't get him out of bed this morning. i had to lift him up and set him on the sofa... still half asleep. finally, he got dressed but was still grumpy enough to throw off his shoes and socks three times before finally allowing me to secure them to his feet. he went to bed earlier tonight, so we'll see how it goes in the morning. he hates wearing shoes, so i may have to deal with that for a while.

i was so preoccupied in making sure that he had his nap blanket, water bottle, two healthy snacks, packed lunch, and change of clothes that i totally forgot to grab my camera. luckily for me, his teacher is AWESOME and she emailed the parents a power point first day slide show!!

zach knew the way to his classroom, because we were up there last week for supply drop off night. after observing his teacher that evening he informed me that he already "had the hang" of her. :)

i let him lead the way to class, and when we got there, one of his classmates was red faced and crying. i hadn't prepared myself for crying. it took me by surprise, then zach looked at me and said "what's his problem?" as i was explaining, his teacher came over and said

"hi zach, let me show you to your seat!"

to which he replied "i already know where it is." and headed that direction.

"can i get a hug and a kiss?" i asked. he half-heartedly complied and gave me a quick hug and kiss then bounced off to his seat.

"bye zach" i called to him as i was walking out the door. he didn't even look my direction, already coloring the picture in front of him.

okay then. and i left.

when i picked him up, of course he didn't have much to say about his day.

"it was fun." was all i could get out of him. okay, fine. that's good enough for me.

he couldn't remember, or didn't want to talk about anything they did. but he did oblige me when i asked what his very favorite part of the day was.

"nap time."



"what was fun about nap time?"

"it wasn't fun, it was funny."

"it was?"

"yeah, someone tooted and we couldn't stop laughing."


then he proceeded to laugh the rest of the way home.


kristen lewis said...

Sounds like a great day to me. I still think toots are funny too! Unless I am the one that did it while other people are laughing!

Steph said...

HA! I can't stop laughing, either! :)