Monday, April 13, 2009

it's been a while...

i haven't had much spare time... so blogging has taken the back burner. although, this evening something happened that i wanted to share.
i took z to the doctor today... again. he has an ear infection...again, and he tested positive for strep throat. luckily, he's not feeling too bad.
on the way to the pharmacy to pick up his medicine, we passed a transient. z has a thing he likes to do to people on the street... and we both get a kick out of it. he likes to roll the window down and yell questions... or a simple "hi" to the people. i enjoy seeing how they respond, z just enjoys getting to yell out the window.
so he asked me to roll down the window so he could yell at the transient. i said, "no, he looks sad. i don't think he will think it is funny."
"he does look sad. what does his sign say."
i read it, it wasn't a clever one, it just simply said "trying to survive."
boy did that hit home. i feel the same way, a lot. and yet, i have a house and a bed to sleep in at night.
zach wanted to know what that meant, so i explained that some people don't have homes, or food, or money.
"can we give them our money mommy?"
"i don't have any money, zach."
"just enough money to buy my medicine?"
"yep, that's about all i have."
"can we give it to him anyway?"
my eyes teared up, and i was so proud.
"you need your medicine zach, i'll see what i may have to give to the man as we drive back by."
he was thrilled, and squealed with delight. he asked dozens more questions as we made our way through the store and back to the car. he couldn't wait to help the man.
"i hope he won't be sad anymore." he kept saying.
by the time we made it back, he was gone.
"i bet he's over in those trees going peep and poop."
we made a loop around the block once to see if we could find him. we were both so disappointed. but, zach put the dollar in his door, ready to give to him, next time he saw him.
i've never given this much thought to the life of a transient. in fact, i try to avoid thinking about it. although doing so tonight kinda made my problems seem just a little more bearable.


Steph said...

Bawling here.

Z is tenderhearted like Grace. That quality will always be one of your favorites in him. When Grace shows that side of her, I melt.

Such a sweet story. I love that little guy.

Jewels said...

Good Moms make good kids.