Sunday, July 27, 2014

Weekend Wrap-up

What a productive weekend! I've been a little overwhelmed this week due to the fact that Zach has been in football camp all week. It's not a day camp, it's from 6-8 pm, and most of the parents stay so, of course I did that too. My work schedule has been off the charts busy this entire year, so I'm not used to being finished by 6pm, which made the week seem even more rushed.

This weekend I had a huge amount on my list to accomplish, and managed to get it all done!

Football practice was from 9-12 Saturday morning. From there a trip to Sprouts for groceries and vitamins. Then to the dreaded Wal-Mart for soap and paper goods, etc. Came home, mowed, fertilized, and watered the lawn ... and taught Z how to mow the lawn! :)

Cleaned out the garage, moving storage items to the back shed. There still is an extensive amount of work to be done in the garage, unpacking boxes and posting items for sale on craigslist ... but that can wait until next weekend.

Sunday morning we went to church and I sat next to my niece, Grace. I don't know how or when it happened, but she has developed into such a beautiful young lady whom I admire so much. I've always adored her, since the day she was born she has always been very precious to me. And now, all of a sudden I see this young woman standing next to me worshiping Jesus with all her heart and it made me weep. Then she joined Zach and I for lunch and we listened as she told me all about the mission trip she just returned from. About the people she served and grew to care for, and I saw such a beautiful heart. Then she asked about Zach about football and encouraged him. This little girl who I thought I couldn't possibly love any more than I already did made my heart swell. I didn't want to drop her off, but knew she needed to get home.

After lunch, Zach and I worked on emptying the last boxes from our move and cleaned the house. We are all ready, set, go for a busy, busy week ahead. Zach will continue to have practice three weeknights and Saturday mornings. He is enjoying football so much and has surprised me with his athletic ability. His strong area is running, he's incredibly fast. This week they will be working on finding out what position the boys will play. I'm going to have to have to study up on football, I found out today at lunch that Grace knows more about football than I ever cared to.

I am loving our new church! The message this morning is exactly what I needed, in fact this entire sermon series has been life changing. Between that and watching "The Bible" series with Zach I'm feeling content and fulfilled in a way that only comes from Jesus.

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