Sunday, February 1, 2009

the boy who cried bee... and the mom who didn't listen

i like to open the windows when i clean house on the weekend and there's a small hole in one of my screens where a honey bee got in today

z: "mommy, there's a bee in the house!"

m: "hmmmm?"
busily scrubbing my counter tops and appliances with clorox clean-up

z: "mommy, mommy, there's a bee it's going to sting you!"

m: "huh, okay baby"


m: "oh my gosh, there's a bee in here!"

z: "i told you!"

m: "i know, but... where's my broom?"

z: racing back from the garage with the broom "did it sting you mommy?"

m: "no, where is it, i can't see it?"

my adrenaline races anytime i see or hear a bee, wasp, scorpion... or anything that stings. i've never been stung by anything which is probably why they scare me so bad.

z: "it's over here mommy."

m: "move! you're gonna get stung!"

z: racing to his room and calling out from behind the door "tell me when it's dead, okay"

m: "okay" ... i swat at the bee with my broom... then push the table out of the way because it fell to the ground and bounced across the floor. just as i was about to swat it again it made a dash for the window. i broke the broom handle off trying to swat at it through the blinds.

m: "crap!"

z: "mommy?!"

m: "i'm okay, he's dead, you can come out."

z: "can i see him"

m: "yep, but don't touch, he still has a stinger."

z: "can you take off his stinger and let me keep him?"

m: "no"


Anonymous said...

I was smiling all the way through this...for many reasons. Zack knew where the broom was. He shut himself in his room until the bee was dead. Then, asked if he could keep it. I love that kid. Also, you broke the broom handle, and probably mutilated your mini-blinds trying to kill a little bee. I love that kid, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and the bee...making a mad dash for the window. That's funny stuff! I can't wait to hear Z's version of this story.

kristen lewis said...

You make me laugh! And, did you take that picture? Nice work! I need to get you to come take a close up of our next rodential victim.

Jewels said...

I half expected you to be behind the closed door with Z... waiting it out.

Steph said...

omg. the only thing worse would have been if it were a moth. nasty little buggers.

Carrie Maxwell said...

ouch pinky!

k - i did not take that pic... the pic i took had bee guts and was totally gross, so i cheated and googled this one instead.

i so would have been behind the door julie, if the good ole' motherly protective instinct hadn't kicked in.

steph - no comment. :D

Carrie Maxwell said...

oh, and mom the blinds are fine. :)