Tuesday, February 3, 2009

the strangeness of timing

i got divorced today.


took about five minutes, no exaggeration.

it seems odd. you spend countless days... years... trying to make things work. trying so hard, day after day, hour after hour, minute after... well you get the point.

and then you stand before a judge who says one sentence and booya... marriage dissolved.

kinda crazy.

i'm not sad that it's over... i mean i'm past that point. it had to be done, there was no more questioning that. i do feel like i'm all of a sudden 33 and have no idea how i got here. time flys when you're having fun... it vaporizes when you're not.


tonight zach and i popped some popcorn and watched the incredibles. out of no where he says, "hmm, that's weird. why does dash's daddy live with him and his mommy? that's weird, huh?"

i was speechless for a moment... then i reverted back to the big purple dinosaur years and remembered the song about different types of families.

"no, zach. it's not so weird. there are all kinds of families. blah blah blah and stuff..." i told him bunch of crap i didn't really believe and that it was all okay.

i guess it is. sorta.

anyway, it's just a strange feeling.


Anonymous said...

Well, Honey, I'm sorry you had to go through that...all of it. Perhaps God was using Z and Barney to remind you that it's okay, and to give you comfort. He does move in mysterious ways. I'm here for you, CB, and I'm proud of you for taking that big step. I know it wasn't easy.

Steph said...

woah. wow.

i remember when grace was in preschool and her class made cards for father's day and she made one and brought it home. it was for her stuffed dog. i cried and cried that night and was so sure she was going to be screwed up because she wouldn't know what a normal family was supposed to be like.

what's normal, anyway? there's no such thing. just different.

it is a strange feeling. i feel strange with you right now.

and it will be okay. not sorta. it will be.

i love you.

Jewels said...

Wow. I'm sorry Carrie -

Speaking as a child of divorce, and concurring with Z... this is his normal. Don't worry about that. We don't feel different, we don't feel worse off, this is normal. You other people are crazy :)

PS - I know the voice of Barney well - you just let me know if you need a personalized song.

kristen lewis said...

What an amazing mother you must be. Hugs to you.