Saturday, August 23, 2008

counting my blessings

i've been asking God a lot lately why bad things keep happening to me.

it just seems like i've been taking one hit after another lately.

i think He gently reminded me of something today.

i used to really not like the song, Praise You In This Storm, by Casting Crowns.

it's hard to do, praise God when things are bad.

until a few years ago, when looked back and saw through my lifetime the countless number of times i experienced storms... and on the other side of every one was something far better than what i had before.

so i've learned, to praise God not only during a storm... but for the storm.

it's really hard to do, when it's happening. but i have faith that God has some reason for all this.
now i love the song, and i'm so thankful to God every time i hear it. storms aren't fun, but they're a part of God's plan... and even feels like He's working on something.
i remember when i had to leave my husband under not so good circumstances... i had been a stay-at-home mom with zachary for two years. i had to find a job, and there were NO job openings in my field.
talk about a storm.
i took a leap of faith and started a job, in sales of all things. i was successful, in spite of myself. but i HATED my job. it was not the field or job for me... but it lead me to my current employer. i'm so very blessed to work for people and a company that i adore and respect.
so... bring on the storm. i'm in God's hands.


kristen lewis said...

Well said. Unfortunately it is my tendency to panic in the storm and praise God when it is over.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post. Uplifting, convicting, and confirming what we all know in our heads but have a hard time remembering...God is in control. I'm very proud of you. Great testimony. Thanks for sharing it.

Steph said...

Aw, this is so good! :) I've been behind on my blogging and reading... and I'm so glad I caught up with yours today.

I love you!!

Happy Birthday (again). :)